
Search for descriptions of mineral waters, spa, therapeutic and medical treatments

10 terms matching your searched criteria

  • CANDLE MASSAGE (Massage)
    Relaxing massage is made of aromatic candles, which wax turns into a warm and ar...
    Canine Assisted Therapy involves social interaction, the experience of delight, ...
  • CARBONIC ACID BATH (Hydrotherapy)
    Carbonic acid baths are an acknowledged form of therapy against cardio – vascula...
  • CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (Plastic Surgery)
    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful disorder of the hand caused by pressure on n...
  • CEREC 3D (Dentistry)
    It is the mehod of the computer construing and manufacturing of the porcelain re...
    Classic massage is one of the most widely used therapeutic massages. When per...
  • CLEAR ALIGNERS (Dentistry)
    Clear Aligners are an alternative to traditional braces and are designed to help...
  • CO2 BATH (Hydrotherapy)
    It can be administered either as a dry or liquid water bath. During the dry CO2 ...
  • CROWNS (Dentistry)
    A dental crown is a tooth-shaped "cap" that is placed over a tooth -- to cover t...
    Aircryotherapy, known as cryosauna, is the opposite of a conventional sauna, the...